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DISC Dudes

I reworked the existing training material on DISC Behavior types, keeping the flow of the original content while expanding on each section. I created unique illustrations to represent each point throughout the training. There are four primary behavior types according to the DISC Model, that can help you to predict how someone may behave, and how best to work with them to come to a resolution. 

Four main behavior types characterized as different shapes and colors based on their corresponding characteristics.

I created four main characters based on the four DISC types. Decisive - More leadership oriented, quick in decision making, confident, and more commanding. Interactive - Communication based, great at working with others and maintaining connections. Stable - Calm and collected types, who look for consistency and regularity. Cautious - Concerned with information and details, great at planning and preparing for emergencies.

I created a few different versions of each character here you can see. High Scoring Decisive Types - Those who score high in this area, and exhibit more decisive behaviours. Low Scoring Decisive Types - Those who score low in this area, and exhibit less decisive behaviors. Adaptive State - How decisive types behave when they are attempting to adapt to an environment or expectations. Natural State - How decisives types behave when comfortable and in their more normal state.

Decisive Type Illustrations, high scoring, low scoring, adaptive state, and natural state.

Interactive Character Illustrations High Scoring Interactive Types - Those who score high in this area, and exhibit more interactive behaviours. Low Scoring Interactive Types - Those who score low in this area, and exhibit less interactive behaviors. Adaptive State - How interactive types behave when they are attempting to adapt to an environment or expectations. Natural State - How interactive types behave when comfortable and in their more normal state.

Stable Character Illustrations High Scoring StableTypes - Those who score high in this area, and exhibit more stable behaviours. Low Scoring Stable Types - Those who score low in this area, and exhibit less stable behaviors. Adaptive State - How stable types behave when they are attempting to adapt to an environment or expectations. Natural State - How stable types behave when comfortable and in their more normal state. Customer Type Activity - Created as part of an activity where trainees would determine a Customer's likely DISC type based on a call recording.


Cautious Character Illustrations High Scoring Cautious Types - Those who score high in this area, and exhibit more cautious behaviours. Low Scoring Cautious Types - Those who score low in this area, and exhibit less caustious behaviors. Adaptive State - How cautious types behave when they are attempting to adapt to an environment or expectations. Natural State - How cautious types behave when comfortable and in their more normal state. Stressed State - Cautious character image used when discussing that people tend to revert to their adaptive state when under stress, or may fall back on protective habits. Customer Type Activity - Created as part of an activity where trainees would determine a Customer's likely DISC type based on a call recording.

An illustrated version of a DISC Report.

An illustrated version of the graph trainees used to plot their results.

DISC Bar Chart Natrual vs Adaptive Slide.png
DISC Chart Graphed.png
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